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Version vom 22. Juni 2012, 08:56 Uhr von O'sullivanTrimble570 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Although escort agencies around the world insist their escorts are never paid to engage in sexual services, it is accepted that escorts happen to engage in some k…“)
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Although escort agencies around the world insist their escorts are never paid to engage in sexual services, it is accepted that escorts happen to engage in some kind of intimate encounters with their clients. Yet, lots of proponents of the escort scene assert that some escorts are hired by clients purely for their mind and personalities, with sexual activity not even being an item on the menu. How real is this? Does the social escort truly exist? The correct answer is without any doubt yes.

The possibility of an escort whose main work is companionship is entirely credible. Once you take a look at the qualifications of higher-end escorts who attract hundreds to thousands of dollars each hour, each will have one thing in common: they are educated.

The rich, influential males who seek the services of escorts for companionship will need their ?company? to be as equally informed about world affairs as they are, as well as able to talk about such subject matter including politics, art, business economics or any other subjects of interest. The days of seeking a bubble-headed broad with huge boobs is finished.

Given that the requirements of a higher end escort are now so great, it is no surprise that a male is probably looking for a woman who is able to keep a smart discussion take pleasure in and appreciate the activities they are involved with. Finding a companion is more important than trying to find a sex partner, who are present at just about any bar or pub.

Escorts give a client a chance to exhibit their power not merely in the board room, but additionally socially, by commanding the respect and appreciation of a lovely lady. Having a beautiful woman by his side will likely secure a business man alot more admiration from his associates and business partners at a company or social function. The owner of a high end escort agency, claims that his customers include foreign professionals, managers, executives and businessmen who employ Los Angeles escorts to go along with them to business meetings, dinners and sometimes casino games. He additionally said that For these individuals, it ultimately is more like a status symbol to have a gorgeous lady beside them.

The most important difference between a social escort and other sorts of escorts would be that sex is not available during the visits. General appreciation, companionship, wit, dialogue, outings and event attendance are usual offerings available from a social escort. A social escort might establish a very real connecting with a customer. Yet, that connection doesn't include sexual activity. A solely platonic relationship is provided via the help of a social escort. And, given that she is so very engaging, this really is perfectly acceptable to her clients.

A social escort?s biggest attraction is their ability to fit into all social circles, make a client look really good and be a fully-engaged companion in all recreational activities.