HIIT In The Morning - A Good Time To Burn2206263

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Version vom 29. September 2012, 17:24 Uhr von TracygybgvvwisbDelucian (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „It depends on who you ask the question what answer you ultimately get. If you are bodybuilder a HITT workout in the morning will probably not be a good idea. The …“)
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It depends on who you ask the question what answer you ultimately get. If you are bodybuilder a HITT workout in the morning will probably not be a good idea. The body has no fuel to burn. The cardio may result in your losing muscle. Body builders usually have less than 1% body fat. This means that in order to make fuel the body will use the muscle instead. hiit Now if what you are after is a real fat burn then by all means get into a HIIT workout every morning before breakfast. A high intensity cardio workout in the morning will ensure that you will have a good EPOC throughout the day. special info In the mornings the levels of stored carbohydrates are low. This is the optimum time for you to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Studies even suggest that you can burn up to 300% more fat when you are in a glycogen depleted state.

It works like this, carbs is the bodies primary source of energy. That is why there are so many low or no carb diets being touted to the public. These diets correctly assume that if the body has no carbs to burn it will burn the fat. There are those who can get a benefit from eating before doing their HIIT workout but these are people who are not trying to loose weight but to build stamina.

The full impact of doing a HITT workout first thing in the morning is that you do continue to get hat burn all for hours afterward. The fat burns at an extremely accelerated rate giving twice the results. You will not get the same effect at night because your metabolism drops drastically when you fall asleep.

The third reason a HIIT workout in the morning is a great idea is that you get a feeling of confidence and start your day on a adrenaline rush high. Once you get used to exercising it becomes an enjoyable experience and you feel exhilarated afterwards.

For those who dread the routine it is a great way to go ahead, get it out of the way so you can burn fat and enjoy the rest of your day. You have done your workout and you can continue on to work or play stress free. When you are a procrastinator a morning workout is the only way to be certain that you do no t blow it off.

So to answer your question is morning a good time for a HIIT workout that would be a resounding yes. It is not only a good time for it but also the optimum time for maximum fat burn. The endorphins that exercise release will have you alert and ready for just about anything. They reduce stress, enhance your mood and improve your circulation. Who would have thought you could have all of that before breakfast.

HIIT is more than a workout it is a physiological and psychological shot in the arm that gets you motivated for the rest of the world.