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Lotions, creams, and plastic surgery are just a few of the treatments available for someone who is suffering from acne scarring Some of the methods for removing acne scarring can take time and cost a lot of money it\'s challenging to decide on which approach is the best one for you It\'s worth doing some research and consulting with a doctor you trust before you make up your mind about how to deal with this issue We\'ll talk about some of the options you may want to consider in this article so you will be better informed The simple technique of healing acne scars using ice cubes sounds too simple, and too good, to be true All the same, don\'t rule out this treatment as just folklore Many people with acne scars have found this technique actually works What\'s more is that it doesn\'t cost anything to try it, so you have nothing to lose The way this works is that ice applied to the skin causes an infusion of oxygen to the iced area Oxygen is a catalyst for healing acne scars Gently rub the ice cube against the affected area for about fifteen minutes Practice this technique frequently and see if you notice any changes to your scars Unfortunately, the ice cube method isn\'t usually effective on severe acne scarring However, if your acne scars are shallow, you may be pleased to discover that the ice technique actually helps with the healing Facial masks have proven to help heal the skin, and have been used successfully for thousands of years They can help make your skin more moist and youthful looking, and in some cases can even help to heal acne scars Homemade facial masks are easy to prepare and there are an abundance of recipes online One successful facial ingredient is called Bentonite Clay and is available at pharmacies, whole food/health food stores, and on the internet Bentonite Clay pleasantly tingles your skin when you put it on It has been used to effectively treat acne scarring, and to stop a new outbreak of acne in its tracks Believe it or not, your breakfast oatmeal is a very effective natural product that can help heal your acne scars You can take regular oatmeal and put it in your food processor to produce a powder Then, mix the powder with pure Rose Water so you end up with a paste that you can apply to your acne scars Without a doubt, you\'ve heard the admonition that picking at your pimples is bad for your skin Nevertheless, a lot of folks disregard this warning Unfortunately, this is one bad habit that causes scars acne You thwart the process of healing when you pick at your scabs, because the scabbing over process is part of healing You can create inflammation in your pimples, and this will make the healing take more time The formation of scars will also increase when you do this Unfortunately, picking at scabs is sometimes an unconscious act that folks do completely unawares If you habitually do this, do whatever it takes to stop You are making the scars you have worse and creating new ones Finally, it\'s no secret that acne scarring is a annoying situation; however, don\'t regard it as the end of the world Your particular type of scarring will be the determining factor in the type of treatment approach you choose If you\'re not sure what the best approach is, you should consult with your doctor Don\'t believe for a minute that you will forever be stuck with acne scarring