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Version vom 28. September 2012, 06:34 Uhr von GuillemetteBrewton93 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Sometimes you may find yourself in competition with other guys for a woman's attention. I personally NEVER believe in competing directly with other guys for a wom…“)
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Sometimes you may find yourself in competition with other guys for a woman's attention. I personally NEVER believe in competing directly with other guys for a woman. Do you know why?

Think about it for a second. If it is clear to the girl that more than one guy is trying to get her attention in a social situation, what does that say about her social value compared to theirs. In this situation, everybody will be clearly acting as though she is the PRIZE to be won by the best guy. Well, guess what. That situation will naturally kill any attraction she has for the guys, including the guy who emerges as the winner in that competition.

Have you seen those reality dating shows where there is only one Hot Women and the game is for her to choose from several guys who she wants to go out with at the end. Well, when I see those shows, I crack up laughing at the men competing because they obviously have no idea that they're all losers ultimately.

Okay, at this point, you may be wondering why this article is titled "Getting the girl in a competition with other guys" if I'm saying that it's a stupid idea to even compete. Well, this is the really interesting thing about female psychology. You see, the best way to impress Hot Beautiful Women is actually...NOT TO TRY! So, if you happen to find yourself in a competition with other guys, ironically, the way to win is by not competing. But there is a method to do this successfully. There is an actual "science" to winning a girl's attention by not competing with other guys and I'll now explain how you do it.

Now, this technique is based upon a principle of human psychology: whenever somebody tries to impress another person by "bragging" about their achievements; maybe talking about how rich they are or how clever they are...they are actually "qualifying" themselves and seeking validation from the listener. So the listener strangely enough, now starts to have POWER in the relationship because if they don't validate the person doing the bragging, then the "bragger" will feel inadequate and try harder and harder to get that validation or "acceptance." It's a form of crying for attention.

Have you ever known people who, when you say for example that you've been to Europe on vacation, they feel that they just have to tell you about THEIR vacation to the Caribbean or something? They're seeking your acceptance or validation. In that situation, YOU have the power in the relationship whether to "validate" them or not.

So when you're in the company of guys who are qualifying themselves to a girl in ANY way, your job is to get them to qualify themselves more and more to the whole group. And at the same time, YOU would avoid qualifying yourself in any way. This way, you'll stand out as the guy who is so secure he doesn't need any validation but who has the POWER to validate the others. And trust me, Hot Sexy Women really do notice the difference and will get more attracted to you because of that.

Now imagine you're talking to a girl you're interested in dating and there are some other guys involved in the conversation, all in competition with you, trying to get the girl. You should say things like "Hey, so who's ever been to South America before?" or "hey, who has ever worked for an investment bank, or international computer software firm" or whatever you think the group of guys are likely to want to brag about.

But if they ask YOU, just make jokes about yourself that's really un-flattering and keep getting them to qualify themselves even more. But as you do it, start to find ways of "making fun" of their qualifying and the girl will begin to see exactly what you're doing to them...and as a result, you'll be revealing these guys' validation-seeking insecurities and you'll find her getting more and more attracted to you.