Getting Rid of a Time Share Contract1888419

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Version vom 26. September 2012, 21:38 Uhr von GennyagmlklnsjiVasmadjides (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Needing to cancel your timeshare happens rather often. You get a letter in the mail about two free plane tickets or a phone call at home about a free Carnival Cru…“)
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Needing to cancel your timeshare happens rather often. You get a letter in the mail about two free plane tickets or a phone call at home about a free Carnival Cruise or some random person sent you an e-mail about this great, cheap way to vacation. All you have to do is go sit through some 90 minute seminar and the gift is all yours. Then, before you know it, high-pressure sales tactics and calculated information receiving technologies have led another timeshare company straight into your wallet.

Now, you have a timeshare and have come to realize either one of three things:

1. I don't have the time to go visit my timeshare or 2. I don't have the money to pay for these fees or 3. I don't want to go, nor can I even afford it.

Where is there left to turn? Eventually you too can find freedom from your timeshare, but you must first follow several steps and procedures to get there.

To begin, let's try the absolute first possible way to get out of a timeshare contract. Any timeshare buyer actually has what is referred to as a rescission period. What that means is that because the industry knows that these are often impulse decisions, they allow for you to cancel the contract with no strings attached as long as it is within a certain time period from the date of the contract signing. This is usually in between three and fifteen days and usually is about seven to ten. So, if you are within your rescission period, you can simply call the company you bought your timeshare from back and tell them that you wish to render the contract null and void. If you caught it this early, congratulations you are now timeshare free.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, it is pretty hard to catch the mistake that early and also know that you can call during the rescission period (they usually don't tell you about) and cancel the contract. If you are one of us who did not get the chance to cancel during the rescission period, but do still want to cancel your timeshare contract, there are still a couple of options. First, some people try to just call their timeshare seller and ask them if they would buy back the great bargain they sold them at half the price. However, as you probably guessed, this is highly unlikely to get you out of your timeshare contract.

If the timeshare company that you bought your timeshare from still does not buy back your timeshare contract, that typically means that you cannot cancel it. The only way left now would be to prove that this company used illegal practices to sell your timeshare to you. If you feel like you can do so, you can report the case to your local state Attorney General and if enough of your fellow timeshare owners follow along with you, then you may be able to even get what is called a class action lawsuit against them, and then eventually, cancel your timeshare that way. Still though, this will not get you a reimbursement on your timeshare and it also usually takes a very long time.

Timeshare Relief may be able to help you with your timeshare contract if you have tried all these other avenues and are still reeling from financial troubles related to your timeshare. Timeshare Relief can help you find the solutions you need to get rid of your timeshare permanently.

Resources: Timeshare Relief