Strategies to Strengthen Wordpress blogs Quickness2294005

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Version vom 24. September 2012, 13:28 Uhr von BoydhmimsblzxgCavett (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „ Internet usage has been so popular and widely-used lately that almost everything can be done on the web. A lot of content management and open source blogging t…“)
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Internet usage has been so popular and widely-used lately that almost everything can be done on the web.   A lot of content management and open source blogging tools such as Wordpress are being used by individuals, whether for personal or business purposes.  Wordpress is known for its fully featured and highly customizable website creation tool.  

Wordpress is becoming a popular blogging tool, which, if not properly maintained, could cause slow bandwidth and thereby reduce the size of website users. Fact of the matter is, everyone hates a slow site. Below are a few tricks on how to effectively increase the speed of your wordpress site in order to satisfy your users.

SELECT THE BEST LAY-OUT and REDUCE IMAGE SIZE. Choose a theme which is not only appealing but also has the ability to load at a fast rate. You should use smaller images. You can improve the quality of images by resizing or scaling them. Take note that with lesser images, the faster it is for the page to load.

REDUCE THE NUMBER OF HTTP REQUESTS. A website consists of elements such as pictures, stylesheets, display, etc. The technique to running quick webpages is to reduce the number of elements as this will also decrease the number of HTTP requests for the site to load. Minimize the amount of files you need to run your web page.

REDUCE THE USE OF ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES. External hyperlinks and programs may take an extended period to load so it best to prevent using them. You can also put external hyperlinks and information in one described place to quicken things.

CONSIDER CACHING OF BROWSERS. Caching can help rate up the website by saving fixed material or those that does not modify regularly. In this way, when the computer file is required again, it does not need to go through the hosting server as it’s already in its regional storage cache. This can be done with a computer file known as .htaccess which can be located in your computer file administrator

ENABLE CSS SPRITES. Incorporating a wide array of images into one, including all its graphical elements is the concept behind CSS Sprites. The use of this process can help save bandwidth since only one file is needed to load. SpriteMe is one of the most trusted applications that enables sprites.

USE A CONTENT DELIVERY NETWORK (CDN). CDN increases a site's performance by saving fixed information of your site and using system hosts around the world to spread these information to person's from nearest possible place, instead of using only one coordinator. Some of the best CDN’s you can avail are the ff: MaxCDN, WPCDN and CloudFlare.

Mentioned above are just a few tips to enhance your website’s speed. Increasing wordpress speed is one very important detail. User satisfaction is best improved with a fast and reliable webpage speed. Having a faster site will also help in getting a higher ranking in search engines, especially now that Google has integrated site speed in its ranking algorithm.

Discover more about wordpress speed optimization