Troubleshoot Your iPod with 101 Amazing Tips and Tricks9021731

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Version vom 19. September 2012, 14:16 Uhr von TrevoriniiciwwdqVansice (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „"Do You Want To Know How To Troubleshoot Your iPod (to solve all of those niggling little problems) and Learn How to Use All of its Incredible Features Simply and…“)
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"Do You Want To Know How To Troubleshoot Your iPod (to solve all of those niggling little problems) and Learn How to Use All of its Incredible Features Simply and Easily?" If you are interested in solving all of the problems you have with your iPod … then this is going to be the most exciting message you have ever read.

There is an amazing new ebook called, "101 Tips & Tricks to Get the Most from Your iPod." It covers nearly everything you need to know about fixing all the problems you experience with your iPod and learning how to use it to its MAXIMUM! 2. Stick all of your CD’s in the shed, yet be able to play every single track and album you own through your TV, DVD player, car stereo (or any other device with Audio input plugs (the red and white ones).

3. Use your iPod to back up your important files, boot your computer, copy music to other people’s machines, and store your contacts and notes. 6. Know what the full range of iPod accessories are and how to use them (eg Did you know that you can use your iPod to record meetings by using a simple and very affordable accessory?) 8. Change the battery in your iPod on your own (which will cost you a small fortune if you take it to an Apple Service Centre). I just replaced the battery on my iPod – and it only cost me $15.95 including a brand new battery and delivery!

10. Use your iPod with two different machines – a PC and a Mac, or perhaps your work machine and your machine at home.

Or what about if you could Impress your friends with your total mastery of this amazing device!. How would that feel if you could do this? Imagine being able…