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Purchasing a Star - Is it possible to Name a Star After Someone

When it comes to creating a gift, many people desire to be creative and unique. Naming a star after someone is an concept that has recently gained significant popularity. But people still wonder: can you really really name a star after someone?

Several companies provide stars as gifts. They point out that every star is allocated just one time but naturally, it can't be named officially after a person. Star naming is about the idea and also the fun that people might have with it.

National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center explains what happens when a new star is discovered and has to be given the official name.

The International Astronomical Union is the entity responsible for providing stars with the names they're officially acknowledged with. Most stars receive such names every time they are discovered.

Certificates supplied by star registration companies have solely decorative value. With regards to really naming a star, the process becomes slightly more complex.

The official star naming procedure has been approved on June 30 1988 and is used till present day.

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Names accepted and utilized by the International Astronomical Union and astronomers worldwide are never offered for sale.

Some star naming companies are misleading people by including official steps and the procedures accustomed to name a star. Though a few of these steps appear to involve quite serious documentation, it's impossible to get a celestial body named following a person via a simple payment.

National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center also claims the star charts that companies present on their own websites are modified. These maps are presented to give purchasers a chance to decide which star exactly they want to name.

According to the report, some museums could also make use of the sale of stars to boost some funds. Such institutions, however, explain that the purchase is just symbolical.

So, exactly what does it require a star to get its name officially? Well-known stars happen to be named years ago which names are utilized officially till present day.

In 1603, a new star naming system premiered. J. Bayer was the person who created a new constellation atlas, giving stars letters in the Greek alphabet. Bayer used instructions and the name of the constellation to label all stars inside it.

They can be used for the naming of bright stars. When it comes to less distinguished and faint stars, the process is somehow different.

Bonn Observatory created its catalog of faint stars in 1837. Other official catalogs were created by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Harvard College Observatory and many others. These catalogs have received international recognition and therefore are used by academics and astronomers all over the world.

Based on official documents, these academic catalogs would be the only documents that may make an application for recognition and acknowledgment. Though it sounds great, the commercial naming of stars should never be legalized.

If you wish to surprise someone you love, purchase a star naming certificate in one of the numerous companies providing such services. Keep in mind that case just for fun. Avoid trying to discover this special star in heaven. Most likely it is not even there. Star naming is all about originality and uniqueness and many people love its, although the process holds no official value.