LP Jumper – Split Test Multiple Landing Pages with Ease!6320360

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Version vom 12. September 2012, 00:13 Uhr von TrevoriniiciwwdqVansice (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Imagine using ONE source of traffic to determine what style landing page converts! Imagine just creating ONE campaign and split testing multiple variations of you…“)
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Imagine using ONE source of traffic to determine what style landing page converts! Imagine just creating ONE campaign and split testing multiple variations of your landing page! Imagine just using ONE link to split test multiple designs and layouts! You are not alone. When I first started with affiliate marketing, I would have to retest multiple landing pages until I found one that would convert, meaning wasted time!

Split testing is very important when it comes to landing page design. Does a simple landing page work better than a more complex version? There are many things to test for, such as format, color, text, location of your call to action, images, etc. There are just too many criterias to test. I personally needed a way to test multiple landing pages with Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN adCenter, and multiple Social Networks without wasting money! I eventually developed a very simple solution. I have been using it the last few months and it has done wonders in saving me time and money when it comes to split testing multiple variations of landing pages. The key to it all is know the power of WordPress and the ability to use it as a Content Management System platform.

WordPress is a very powerful CMS platform and its ability to create blog style landing pages, which is increasingly getting more and more popular.

Not to mention, WordPress has a very powerful backbone to it that involves plugins. For several months now, I have been using WordPress to split test multiple landing pages without spending a huge chunk of my money in multiple campaigns. I asked myself if WordPress Blog Style Landing Pages work, why can’t I create traditional review style jump pages? Why couldn’t I create a simple look-a-like poll? Why wouldn’t I…

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