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The five Best Golden Rules to Kickboxing

Starting a brand new Martial Art like Kickboxing can be very difficult. The problem is there are many kinds of instructors and designs and each style and instructors are different. Now... Don't let that scare you. I am going to demonstrate rules have a tendency to affect Kickboxing.

The 5 Best Golden Rules to Kickboxing.

Golden rules are very special rules that a person must always remember and not forget. They are vital and useful guideposts to stay on target on and on within the right direction.

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Whatever task you undertake, whatever goal you desire to, there will be Golden Rules to inform you how, you simply have to find them.

Let us discuss my 5 best Golden Rules to Kickboxing.

• Rule # 1, "Always keep the hands up." The reason why you might like to do this is so you do not get punched in the face. Remember, you can just take a lot of shoots for your head and face before you be similar to Mike Tyson... The choice is yours to interpret that comment.

•Rule # 2, "Always keep a strong stance." I like to refer this to being in your warrior stance (meaning: the stances had you been will always be prepared to fight). So... even though you move ahead, backward, side to side you always maintain a strong/warrior stance. It's like a tripod, move the legs to far apart, to close together, or have a leg away, you no longer possess a strong structure.

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•Rule # 3, "Use good sense." This really is something you practices in your daily life; whether, it's in school, your job, or just thing you need to do on the daily bases. Remember... because you do Martial Arts does not mean this basic principle changes. A good example of this is, if someone has their without doubt, instead of using special technique... just punch them.

•Rule Four, "Train in the Martial Arts regularly." Including hitting pads, shadow boxing, working combinations on the heavy bag, and most important sparring. Sparring is important because all of the learning the world will not help if you don't put your skill to real life practices.

•Rule # 5, "Always practice emptiness." To describe this rule, I would like to quote among my favorite warriors.

"To die like a warrior way to have crossed swords and either won some loot with no consideration of winning. (Miymoto Musashi). "

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The choice is yours to know that meaning.

You can rely on as well as have confidence in my 5 top Golden Rules to kickboxing. They've been time-tested and may be applied regardless of what instructor or style you study under. Follow them carefully and your ultimate success will likely be assured plus your satisfaction greater.