What You Need to have To Know About Sleep Apnea & Snoring

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The sound of snoring is triggered by the airways in your nose and throat getting partially or entirely blocked. It causes difficulties for each the snorer and any person who sleeps with or close to them.

Sleep apnea is a much more significant situation that happens when the air blockage causes you to cease breathing at least five times an hour, for over ten seconds every time. Sleep apnea is a hazardous condition that can ultimately lead to death.

If you're suspected of suffering from sleep apnea, your doctor will arrange for you to have your nose and throat examined to uncover any obvious causes of obstruction. This could include an anatomical abnormality or nasal polyps. The exam is handled with either an endoscopic exam or a CT scan.

Following the initial diagnosis is done you are going to be sent to a sleep lab where you will undergo a study of your sleeping patterns.

A sleep study monitors your physique even though you sleep. Some of the measurements that will be tracked incorporate:

- blood oxygen levels

- blood pressure

- heart rate

- airflow

- chest & diaphragm movement

- brain activity

You'll keep overnight in a unique sleep lab where these tests will be completed with equipment that is attached to you whilst you sleep. (It's not as poor as it sounds - you will be able to sleep!)

If you happen to be diagnosed with sleep apnea, you'll probably be told to keep away from any sort of sleep drugs and alcohol. If you are overweight, you are going to be advised to lose the added weight. You could also be told to start sleeping on your side.

These 3 basic factors dental sleep medicine can at times be enough to resolve the difficulty.

If this is not adequate to remedy the dilemma, you could undergo other sleep apnea remedies sleep apnea treatments in sunnyvale such as positive pressure ventilation, in which you will be given a tightly fitting nasal mask through which air is pumped. The elevated air pressure can help to keep your airways open.

If these sleep apnea doctor santa cruz treatments nonetheless do not solve the dilemma, you may possibly have to undergo surgery.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type of the condition and typically responds to therapy. Central sleep apnea, in which there can be brain or nerve harm, is typically not as responsive to treatment. In these instances you might require to treat them with drugs that stimulate your breathing.