I wanna talk about boosting your confidence today, cause if you don't you'll fail. Duh. You already6065450

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know this stuff. All women say confidence is the most attractive thing about a guy.. and it IS true, despite what a lot of the RH would say (ie; money is.. its not trust me, I know ballers that dont get laid, and I got laid tons and im a broke ass lol) yea, we're still in 101... common sense ftw! Seriously. Why aren't you confident? For this complete Chapter visit http://www.thisviral.com You're not brad pitt or colin farel or whoever?? so what bro??? Neither are the guys that are gettin tons of ass. There is no "perfect" guy, so quit beating yourself up cause you're not him. Trust me, you ARE good enough to get laid. lol Isolate WHY you're not confident. Then everyday say "fuck that. I'm a pimp." Most of my success came from developing a sort of "mock ego" where I was makin fun of all the ******* guys I hated walkin around like they're hot shit. Then before you knew it, it started to become reality. When I said "Cause im a fuckin pimp bitch, what are you retarded?" It was legit. I said it with confidence. I BELIEVED IT. Start workin on your "mock ego". Don't listen to shit unless it compliments your new ego. Fuck haters, they're jealous. Everytime someone has something negative to say to you, have something about them you can throw right back in their face. example; "why would I give YOU my number? You're fat" "You'd be LUCKY to land a fat guy like me with that barbara streisand nose bitch." It wont feel right at first. It'll take a while to build on, but once it does.. congrats. now you're confident THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO IS PEOPLE WATCH!!!! Go out to bars/clubs (there's 18+ clubs youngins) or parties and just watch. Watch the kinda guys that constantly approach girls. Watch the girls reactions. 80% of the guys that approach are dipshits. A LOT of the time girls dance with their friends they came with, and step away from guys that try to come dance on them. Not only is it hilarious, but it'll make you realize, you're not the only guy to ever get shot down by a chick. Don't take it so hard lil buddy! Now for something a little different... I dunno how well this is gunna go, but seriously, I wanna post embarassing stories where you tried to approach and got shot down awkwardly. Maybe if we all realize we're human and aren't perfect, it'll ease your conscious a bit and help you to see that SHIT HAPPENS. Don't beat yourself up over it! I remember one time when I was in CA and knew nothin about talkin to girls, there was a chick that worked at the safeway by my work. We had made eye contact a couple times and I (awkwardly) figured it was time to say SOMETHING. So I went up and was like "hey whats up im janky" she introduced herself, and I said somethin about damn you must get a lotta hours, you're here everytime i come in after work! or something stupid like that.. it was lame i know. then I said "wanna know a secret?" she was like um.. ok.. and I go "I'm not from here, I just moved to CA.. wanna show me around?" and of course, I got the "well im really busy.. I dont have a lotta free time between work and school" blah blah. so I said "Ok cool, why dont u just give me your number and ill hit you up later and we can try to plan something?" ... and I got a number. ... a fake one. lol I was awkward as shit, nothing witty, etc. etc. it was just disasterous. Here's another; I made a POF account because my roommates had em and were pulling some decent girls off it. My roommate showed me this one cosmetology raccoon he was talkin to, and mentioned she had a slutty roommate I should hit up. Ok, easy enough. So I went to the roommates profile, and sent her a simple msg sayin "hey im ___'s roommate, whats up? I like that pic of you in the pink dress" and sent that bitch a smiley face. bitches LOVE smiley faces. I get a msg back sayin "Thanks a lot dick, but thats my roommate in the pink dress" Slightly embarassing, but I lol'd. Speakin of POF, it's a GREAT confidence booster!!! Make an account. Seriously. Right now. What are you waiting for?? There's tons of BIG girls on there, old ladies that never found love, psycho chicks, sluts, and a handful of decent ones. These types of girls should be your primary targets right now. Unless you wanna be ballsy and just approach 10s and get shot down daily. Like dude said on 40 year old virgin (which is mostly truth, re-watch that shit and learn lol) "You gotta run through 10 15 of them hoodrats before you're ready" or something.. not exact quote lol and just for shits and giggles, I'll link you guys my POF, I'm basically just talkin shit to girls, and (big surprise) my shit talking has gotten me TONS AND TONS of responses. Even just checkin it now for the link I've got an inbox full of girls going "OMG THATS SOOOO TRUE!!! thank god IM not like that!! YOU're FUNNY!!" etc. http://www.plentyoffish.com/member8742807.htm So yea, make a POF, start working on your "mock ego", dont take shit from anyone, and keep talking to girls!!!!! Post some of your approaches that went horribly wrong and help everyone on here realize how trivial getting shot down really is!!! Good luck!!