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Version vom 17. August 2012, 06:39 Uhr von WaltherRozier415 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „This is an interesting question that I recently received. "I was looking at the internet and most outdoor advertising agencies have not just LED screens but also …“)
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This is an interesting question that I recently received. "I was looking at the internet and most outdoor advertising agencies have not just LED screens but also paper billboards and similar stuff. And some people are saying that you can't advertise only with LED screens you also need another kind of advertising (like I said before, paper billboards and similar). So how much truth is here? Is that true that you can't just have LED billboards and you also need another type of advertising?"

This is a very interesting question which contains some truth but that also need some further explanation.

To start, my esteem is that about 60% of Led Screen advertising companies run the LED screen only, without any complementary service (as billboards etc). For such companies the LED screen represents their main asset (if not the only one).

But there one clarification that needs to be done. There are two main kinds of companies installing a LED screen: The first, are newly established companies as the ones mentioned above, entering the business thanks to the LED screen. The second, are long established advertising businesses that already have paper-billboard, tri-vision etc, but that want to provide a larger selection to its current advertisers.

To this second category belong radios and magazines: they usually already have a huge list of advertisers, so they implement the Led For Sale as a complementary service to the radio and print ads.

So to answer the initial question: it is not true that you can't just have the LED screen, because that's what most LED screen advertising companies do.

Nonetheless, it is true that if you already are in the business (i.e. advertising companies, radios, magazines), then you are likely to have a list of much targeted customers that already invest in advertising and that (most important) already trust you. And this represents a key advantage towards new competitors.

Now, if you are not a well-known advertising agency (yet!) and you want to learn more about how to find advertisers for your LED screen, there are still ways to find and win advertisers.

For example, a great method of finding new customers is visiting the businesses that already advertise on the local newspaper or on the city guide: these entrepreneurs already understand the power of advertising and are therefore more inclined to this type of investment in Led On Rent

Another easy way to find potential customers are the yellow pages and similar publications: but please be sure not to send unwanted emails and to always get the written permission to send promotional messages.

Finally a very cost effective way to find customers, especially at the very beginning, is the classic "door-to-door": you don't believe me? Just dedicate one morning to offer the advertising on your giant screen to the businesses in the area and you'll be surprised by the interest you'll rise!