Layoff Daily - Newspaper of Our Current Times2360246

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Version vom 3. August 2012, 16:14 Uhr von MyydffuqbfexGragson (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „[ Top Topics Today] 2012 saw a record number of layoffs including yours truly. The unemployment rate has reached 10% and that brings…“)
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Top Topics Today 2012 saw a record number of layoffs including yours truly. The unemployment rate has reached 10% and that brings the total unemployed to approximately 15 million in America. So how do we keep an economy running with this many people out of work?

We will have to reinvent ourselves and shift our mindset from an employee to an entrepreneur. It really is that simple and that hard at the same time. Changing this mindset is no different from being overweight and totally unsuccessful with the battle of the bulge. I know because I have been there. It is also no different than being able to recover from drugs or alcohol, depression or whatever. It all boils down to a shift in your behavior which is probably one of the most difficult things you will ever have to do. It is also a must if you want to survive this recession.

You were laid off, I was laid off and now we both have to do something about it to survive. Don't think the government unemployment checks will pull you through either. They are more of a Top Topics Today setup to keep us lazy than they are a help to us.

Let's focus on how we shift our mindset and get that Layoff Daily newspaper out of circulation forever. Here are a few things we can start doing immediately:

1. Take a deep breath and realize your lay off situation is not personal (spoken like a true Godfather fan "Its not personal its business"). 2. Write down the top 10 things you would do if nobody paid you. ( for me it's cooking, I should have become a chef as I fell in love with the art of food). 3. Choose one of them and master that skill so you can market it online and offline. 4. Study others in the field you are pursuing. 5. Learn something new every day about your field. 6. Start NOW- just do it or whatever your motivating phrase is - Get busy. 7. Don't fall into the daily depression of the news channels - turn them off and focus on taking care of your family through entrepreneurship.

There are many news publications going out of business today because everyone is coming online for information. However, the layoff daily news seems to be flourishing at the expense of us hard working Americans. Let's not hang our heads down and wallow in its misery, let's get up and do what we have always done during difficult times, let's keep moving forward a step each day.

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