Zeek is the best there is

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Version vom 3. August 2012, 05:36 Uhr von TrinaqqvustfbynQuiggle (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „One of the much more attractive top qualities of a Ponzi program is that for really little attempt, if any sort of at all, associates can easily gain a s…“)
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One of the much more attractive top qualities of a Ponzi program is that for really little attempt, if any sort of at all, associates can easily gain a substantial return on their investments. zeek rewards forum Splice this in with a NETWORK MARKETING settlement strategy and let the word spread virally via the industry as well as eventually you're bound to draw in the attention of other business running in the very same sector. Zeek Rewards Scam With no cords attached membership wise, it's no secret that several Zeek Rewards affiliates are entailed mostly in additional Multi Level Marketing possibilities that for some, prohibited the cross advertising of any other possibility to their existing downlines. The stricter of these affiliate/distributor agreements also restrict the simple participation in one more MLM company entirely. Nonetheless, as VIP point balances well up those playing the multi-opportunity stakes in Zeek Rewards and also other companies are no doubt discovering themselves in the daunting position of evaluating up their key NETWORK MARKETING business with that of Zeek Rewards. Simply put, it's challenging to dismiss the returns Zeek Rewards pay out daily for what could simply be deemed passive financial investment income ( through bought clients and also advertisement placing automation). When you examine this to a standard sales based MLM chance that counts on genuine clients (not gathered email addresses where the managers do not also understand they've been enrolled and also don't have to really purchase anything to be calculated as customers), it doesn't take long for the Ponzi'esque returns to eclipse the profit derived from a legit chance. With this unfortunately the unavoidable happens as well as Zeek Rewards members look towards their very own existing downlines in an attempt to grow their Zeek downlines. There's no quicker method to improve your very own investment returns than to convince people you understand to even invest and also gain the passive payments this produces. Ultimately enough members are involved in various providers that administration can easily no longer dismiss queries from their field and also in the most extreme cases, also discover themselves being gotten in touch with to make a public statement on the chance in question. 2 the first days such manager was Monavie's Chief of state of their North American and European markets, Randy Schroeder. Blasting Zeek Rewards on a July 16th Monavie " Authority Mentoring" phone call, Schroeder ( that credits himself as being "one that has extensive expertise of the ( Multi Level Marketing) sector") claimed that Zeek Rewards was a provider that " arrives as well as vacuums people in to a path that becomes a path of devastation".

Mentioning numerous requests "over the past a number of weeks pursuing his viewpoint on Zeek Rewards ( probably from Monavie affiliates), Schroeder ( snapshot above) stated on the 16th that Zeek Rewards is " against the law, a pyramid scheme (and) undoubtedly a Ponzi scheme". Clarifying on why, Schroeder states that "one of the most effective methods to anticipate the future is to meticulously and also vitally investigate the past". He then goes on to reason that business whose settlement strategy is even by remote similar to the way people are compensation in the program called Zeek Rewards, slips way beyond the FTC standards in terms of exactly what's legitimate in the network marketing or direct selling industry. I indicate way, method, way outside the guidelines. My hunch is that Schroeder is talking specifically about internal usage and that in its present form (and for the past year and also a fifty percent), Zeek Rewards has operated with around 100 % internal usage by way of associates acquiring bids to hand out. Once these bids are handed out, or dumped onto customer accounts ( developed with an email address, as well as in lots of instances where the manager of the email address has actually not registered themselves or is even conscious they are being subscribed to Zeekler, Zeek Rewards's dollar public sale arm), the Zeek Rewards associate that provided the bids they themselves acquired away, at that point goes on to gain a 90 day ROI on their bid purchase. The most noteworthy provider Schroeder compares Zeek Rewards to might of course be Advertisement Search Daily, a Ponzi scheme that offered ridiculous returns declaring its members were purchasing advertising. In Zeek Rewards, the provider claims its members are acquiring dollar auction bids as well as supplies comparable absurd returns, thought to be by and large cashed by affiliate money. Zeek Rewards refuse to shed light on if this is the case and/or release documents verifying otherwise. CEO Paul Burks declares that the make up of the everyday ROI that Zeek Rewards pays out is a " exclusive secret". Based on this, Schroeder concludes that Zeek Rewards will certainly "come to remorse in the relatively close to future, not far in to the future", I assume when people are being asked to invest ten thousand dollars in to a show with the concept they should do no work yet will get exorbitant returns, is screaming out in advance: " Do not do it, do not do it, don't do it, do not do it!" And yet so attractive is the concept of rapid hard earned cash for which one need not function that alot of people are obtaining scrubed in to that trail. Currently I would simply to give you all my word of care, it's gunna blowup, it's gunna be an uninviting blowup, it'll probably take place earlier not later on and it will definitely leave a trail of devastation behind it. It's forbidden, it's a pyramid, it's possibly a Ponzi system, it's going to get shut down-- don't obtain swept up in to it. Bring a lot more weight to Schroeder's words is a brief look at the sorts of individuals the NETWORK MARKETING dollar public sale niche market has actually enticed thus far: Zeek Rewards-- it's no secret that countless of the leading earners in Zeek Rewards were leading users in the Ponzi program Advertisement Browsing Daily. Probably a respectable portion of the initial financial investment seed money pumped in to Zeek Rewards came straight from Ad Browsing Daily Bidify-- Bidify's Chief Creative Officer, Frode Jorgensen has a history with being involved in offshore profit opportunites that firmly appeared like Ponzi programs. Several some other originators exist, nonetheless they are shrouded in secrecy with Bidify to date not divulging the exact business framework of the provider Bids That Offer-- CEO and creator Randy Jeffers has had various Multi Level Marketing companies closed down by US authorities

The most current MLM penny public sale to pop up on my radar is 'Igobidwin' ( additionally being marketed as "Global Paradigm Change", "Ultimate Power Profits", " Strength Profits", "Spinfinity" and "MyTurnOnTop"), which is being introduced by GlobalOne Business LLC. Not much is recognized at this point (the company is supposed to launch sometime in the next couple of weeks) yet there seems possible ties between GlobalOne Companies LLC and also the pyramid system feeder OneX. Members of Igobidwin that purchased their membership through bank card, observed they were being billed by 'SIGNATURELIFE QLX', the exact same business that appeared on OneX member slips. OneX was a feeder into QLXChange, which in turn fed associates in to a globe of shady closed-door investment possibilities, with engagement just let if a non-disclosure contract was signed. At the end of the day whichever NETWORK MARKETING dollar public auction you're thinking about, they all operate on the fundamental concept concept that associates invest $ x, have some sort of virtual currency points then gain an effective ROI) $ x based upon how many points they have, with the points ending after a certain period of time. Associates may of course enhance their points ( and also successful ROI) by re-investing the returns the business pays daily, and/or sponsoring brand-new backers ( associates) and receiving them to invest. Virtually 100 % of the revenue generated by these providers is via member acquisitions (investments in bids with the sole buying inspiration being to convert them into points for the day-to-day ROI provided) as well as thus the exact same is true of where the money these providers are paying stems from. This alone is sufficient investigation of the common core business model utilized by Multi Level Marketing cent auctions (you won't ever before see one of these launch that simply pays typical payments on the sale of penny auction bids, due to the fact that there are no legitimate retail consumers), but when you consider that is included at the top levels of the providers in the specific niche, either at a management degree or as leading earners, the writing is on the wall. No doubt efforts will be made to merely brush off Schroeder's comments as " resentment", " negative opinions" or some other dismissive labels, nonetheless bit can be stated to negate his claims. I mean you can do the whole pseudo conformity song and dance and \* winkwink nudgenudge \* call a wolf in sheep's clothes a zebra, yet functionally this modifications absolutely nothing. No matter what front business you attach to it, no matter what you call associate investments as well as no matter exactly how difficult you penalize your associates for utilizing investment vocabulary under the guise of " conformity", an profit chance that pays returns ( ensured or not) based upon exactly how much seed money a new members administers in to the scheme, which is made up of the cash new and also existing associates have actually both initially spent as well as continue to re-invest so as to expand their day-to-day returns, is a Ponzi system. How anyone that has actually been or is involved in the network marketing sector for more than 10 minutes and also may love the concept of selling products to genuine retail consumers and also gaining a commission on pointed out sales can assume otherwise, continues to baffle me.

You can hear Randy Schroeder's opinions relating to Zeek Rewards in their whole underneath:

Note that the above audio was taken from the July 16th Monavie "Leadership Mentoring" telephone call which in its totality ran for 53 seconds as well as 38 minutes. Zeek Rewards was not touched on or referred to in the other parts of the call. Zeek Rewards Review