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Version vom 20. Juli 2012, 06:54 Uhr von LawsonForde552 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „The government needs to do more than manage hybrid derivative safeties and the institutions who underwrite them. They have to inject explanation. Requiring public…“)
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The government needs to do more than manage hybrid derivative safeties and the institutions who underwrite them. They have to inject explanation. Requiring public registrations and a violent regulatory body are needed to guarantee public safety in future hybrid security issuance's. Directors and officers of banks who play with others' money ought to obtain heavy charges when their wagers fail. Both for the business's they represent and personally. They ought to lose all plethora they have built up and the built up wealth of their direct managers must be forfeited. Without repercussions these people will certainly cause yet another globe economic crisis. Since derivatives are complicated, I'm developing a metaphor to make them much simpler to recognize for the easygoing reader as topics such as mortgage audit can easily be rather complicated.

Everything if General Motors were allowed to wager on the failing of a car part? Picture if they were permitted to take out an insurance policy which paid them a million bucks every time a fuel injector failed on a Chevy Malibu and caught it on fire. Everything if GM convinced an insurance business to payout when one of its own items failed and hurt someone? And the payment went to GM. Let's phone call these insurance agreements "GM injector default swaps" or "IDS's." Let's pretend that the insurance business has so much faith in the injectors that they over concern them since of their analysis on past injector failures. The insurance business permit GM to place 50 or 100 of these wagers out on each injector positioned in a vehicle. They let Joe Engineer buy them in his 401k even though he is making the injectors. After all, injector failings have actually been very inexpensive and this seems like a piece of cake company choice from the actuaries at the insurance business. In their very own world, it represents a significant amount of complimentary premium, with no risk, and someone else selling the contracts so just what the f *ck. Now let's merely state for disagreement's sake that there were companies in Detroit of reduced moral character, (undoubtedly right wing republicans) who chose to in some way persuade GM to alter the design of the Malibu injector. Let's presume that they convinced GM engineers to create it to fail in order to profit themselves on the IDS's. Merely a little failure, no one actually gets hurt, however enough of a failure that triggers IDS agreements. Let's also add to our metaphor that these business who persuaded GM to make their own injectors to fail loaded up on the injector failure insurance contracts. Also though they understand that the massive, too large to fail insurance company will be fiscally devastated, and that the company is of some considerable significance to the US economic climate; in fact the whole entire globe economy since of its enormity and exactly how many individuals and other morally practical corporations depend on it for all kinds of insurance products.

They are persuaded that the government will certainly save the insurance business if trillions of bucks are owed to these IDS owners due to the fact that permitting the insurance business to fail will produce a lynch pin financial occasion. So their bets are thought to be secure. Let's pretend that persuading GM engineers to revamp the injectors to fail and load up on IDS' was more lucrative to the GM pro-forma than developing and offering sound automobiles. They know that this short term plan will ruin the economic situation and hurt many people. They do not care since of the massive payday they will certainly receive. They justify that the government would step in and bail out the insurance company (s) due to the fact that of its (their) importance to the economic situation. At the end of this game there are tons of dead bodies, however no one essential.

OK, let's put a new twist on this. Let's state that the company plan to sell cars with f*cked up injectors is starting to look so profitable that GM determines that offering these cars away to anyone who preferred one might accelerate and drastically enhance the overall future IDS profits accruals to GM and its cohorts. Let's additionally state that the engineers might really design the injectors to fail after exactly two years of usage. The 2 years will give GM time to construct and hand out a huge volume of injector failing designed Malibus to bet against. The 2 years will certainly offer the insurance company, (who recognize absolutely nothing of the injector failure design) an incredible quantity of self-confidence in issuing the IDS's. The insurance business will really make billions of dollars on the insurance premiums over the two years. Their ignorance/naivete will certainly cost them trillions starting at the 2 year mark as they have actually not been privy to the flawed injector design charade. All is well in Detroit.

OK, quick forward. The 2 years have passed and the very first purchasers of reasonable Malibu's with flawed injectors are starting to have injector failings. It's on the news, GM and their cohorts are laughing their asses off in closed door board room sessions. The investors in GM stocks and corporate bonds are not. The stock is getting pounded, the bonds are getting banged. The GM managers determine to show S&P, Fitch & Moody's that they more than covered for defective injectors with their injector default swap acquisitions. The protections rebound and smart analysts at Ford and Chrysler comprehend the show. They recommend their business directors to jump aboard and start making cars with substandard throttle bodies and faulty crank shafts. On the other hand they acquire TBDS and CSDS protection from the big insurance business and GM follows suit. Soon all cars manufactured in our cherished America are made with defective parts covered by faulty part insurance payable to greedy immoral b*stards. Automobiles stalled and burnt up all over our highways are not being paid for are being repossessed. Rich guys are cashing checks from the insurance business who underwrote the IDS's and concurrently positioning enormous pressure on the government, the public and the fed to bail out the insurance company, or there would be economic catastrophe for all. They do not provide a f*ck about folks who die in the burnt up cars or those who lose their automobiles ... Little price for the uber rich to pay (a little smoke on the highway they only require view from their Lear Jet windows - it's hard to see from up there).

This is just what happened in our mortgage loan business. This is exactly how quick food staff members purchased half million dollar homes. The mortgage loans were designed to fail and given away to anybody breathing so that hedge funds and bankers (Scion cap, John Paulson, Goldman Sachs ... the list is not that long but definitely differentiated) could possibly make billions and billions wagering against them. The moral risk - It may well be the relaxing of our economic situation, the worldwide economic situation and political military security around the entire world.

My conclusion ... Merely as long as we have business that are too big to fail and who are enabled to DEPEND on taxpayers to bail them out when they screw up, as evidenced by the recent JP Morgan Chase - Jamie Dimon fiasco, we folks have to make d*mn sure that exactly how they do company is safe. They have to be managed. Violently managed. Better yet, they ought to have been allowed to fail.

Jeff Greenberg