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Version vom 23. Juni 2012, 11:32 Uhr von WithrowRothstein48 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „So the question is, can Neucopia be the "Next Big Thing"? Well maybe or maybe not. So before I go on to answer that burning question I guess I should digress he…“)
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So the question is, can Neucopia be the "Next Big Thing"?

Well maybe or maybe not.

So before I go on to answer that burning question I guess I should digress here and give you a quick overview of exactly what the Neucopia actually is, and what it is not.

Neucopia is the brainchild of internet marketers David Wood and David Sharpe who in search of a different and unique business model ended up combining aspects of affiliate marketing, major product launch, greed, fear of loss, and a quasi MLM type commission that employs multiple levels within its structure but passes income upline using a comp plan variation borrowed from direct sales models known a pass up system.

Confused yet?

Well there is more, and by the way what is Neucopia actually selling? Is there actually a product here or is this just another variation of a pyramid money transfer system?

Wow! Wash my mouth out with soap! I can't even believe those words came out of my mouth!

Look I am not a MLM hater, I have been in the MLM industry for over 25 years and have been a 7 figure earner in that industry for many years and I love the industry.

But there is also the dark underbelly of pure scam that hovers on the edge of the home based business industry, and there are always people who find some new way to push the envelope with a new product or business model and it kind of leaves you scratching your head trying to decide what side of the fence a new gangbuster deal falls on.

That's kind of where I was when I looked at Neucopia.

On its surface Neucopia is a pure money deal, and like it or not money deals attract people. I mean we are all in business to make money right?

Then there is the "wave effect" in marketing where some new program or "new great thing" hits the marketplace and the early adopters all jump on board and then just because a lot of people are joining other people join just so they are not left behind.

The thought is Wow! Everyone else is doing it so I better get on board!

But is there actually more to Neucopia than just a shell that allows you to make money by enrolling others who enroll others who enroll others and then sit at the beach while the automated pass up system deposits money to your merchant account?

Well sort of.

The Neucopia-Review

So let me break it down for you in a form that's easy to understand, however it still may be hard to categorize Neucopia since this is an entirely new business model.

Neucopia is an affiliate product launch that has at its core 3 products.

The core product is a self replicating WordPress blog that is already optimized for SEO (search engine optimization), so that when you write blog posts the search engines have a better chance of finding your content and ranking you on Google or the other search engines.

Now optimizing a WordPress blog for SEO is not that hard if you know what you are doing but for those who do not, Neucopia shortcuts the technology learning curve pretty dramatically so this is a good thing.

This part of the program will cost you a basic membership fee of $25 per month.

The next Neucopia product is an online training system called the "Inner Circle" that contains several recorded trainings by David Sharp and David Wood covering subjects such as Down and Dirty Marketing Secrets, Hypnotic Selling Secrets, How to close 95% of your prospects, and other online success trainings.

Now this part of the program will cost you $100 per month on top of the $25 per month you are already paying.

So is the "Inner Circle" actually worth what you pay for it?

Now just to keep it in perspective you should keep in mind that these guys know their stuff. David Wood and David Sharp are both very accomplished internet marketers. David Wood in particular even though my competitive nature makes it hard to admit, is probably one of the most talented markers working online today.

Also I believe the intent of the Neucopia founders is to keep adding to this online library by sharing the success and strategies of other successful members using the system so the curriculum should grow.

The next product in the system is the "Costa Rica Intensive" training. This is a high def recording of a live 2 day training intensive that David Wood recently did in Costa Rica where about a dozen people paid $3000 each to get training from David Wood on how to create the same type of magic in the online market as he does.

This Neucopia product will cost you a one time payment of $500.

The Neucopia Compensation Plan

Now all major product launches in the world of internet marketing share pretty much the same characteristics, they are all "How to" info products or trainings where the promoter is basically telling you "I have made millions online using this system or approach and if you pay me I will show you exactly how I did it"

The idea here of course is that if you buy the training and study the material you can do the same thing they do and of course have the same financial success.

Now this is a valid market, and it has been done in business just about forever and people will in fact pay big money for key information especially if they see it as a missing link to their financial success or if they just want a step by step "how to" guide rather than trying to figure it out themselves.

I have never had a problem with paying for training, specific business models, or coaching. Heck in my last conventional business I paid over $35,000 for a license fee and 3 day training intensive on how to setup a successful banking service company.

Now the online marketing world has caught on to this model and there are lots of people out there selling training products.

Also the stakes are much higher with the internet mixed in. I mean there are probably over 1.8 billion people online today and if you can tap even the smallest fraction of that traffic and provide a product they want you can make millions with just your laptop.

Today there are many talented marketers who have done just that, and then they turn around package that system into a training, and sell it in mass generating additional millions in profit.

So is David Wood in that same league?


well if he is not there yet, he is pretty close.

However, his Neucopia training is not a specific approach but rather a money making system wrapped around some general core training products that can teach you general online marketing success principles.

The Neucopia Compensation Plan

This is actually what is attracting all the attention. When you enroll as a Neucopia member, you get a replicated sales presentation funnel that you can then send your prospects to.

When those prospects take the tour and listen to David Wood and David Sharpe's presentation, they are then offered the chance to buy the monthly membership to the blogging platform for $25 a month. If they purchase that, then the up-sell process begins and they are next offered the opportunity to buy in at the next level, the "Inner Circle" training for an additional $100 per month.

If they purchase that, then there is yet another up-sell that offers them the Costa Rica training intensive for a one time fee of $500.

The profit potential on the Neucopia system is actually pretty amazing since for every qualified member that buys into your system you could be making $125 a month in re-occurring commissions and also a nice $500 one time bonus commission.

Now the presentation constantly stresses the fact that you will be receiving 100% commissions on all your sales, but as the up-sell makes very clear, to receive commissions on your $25 orders you must of course be active on the $25 membership, and if you want to receive the $100 re-occurring commissions you must be also active at that level or the sale your system makes for you will roll up to your sponsor. The same also goes with the $500 product.

So first the sales presentation appeals to your money making side by offering you a 100% commission, (OK let's be honest here and just call it greed), then the fear of loss clicks in when you realize that if you don't upgrade to the higher levels you are going to miss those commissions.

Now for the leverage...

There is another huge greed kicker here since when you enroll people in your system, and then they bring customers in, every 2nd, 4th 6th member they enroll, and then every 5th one after that ends up passing up to you and you receive the 100% commissions on those sales also.

This pass-up keeps going since the person that you passed up will in turn pass-up their 2nd, 4th, and 6th sale etc, this pass-up structure actually goes down to infinity so the income potential is pretty huge if you sponsor a lot of people and they do the same.

So in effect you get the leverage of an MLM style comp plan with an affiliate "info product".

Can we say Wow!.....

Now of course if you have ever sat through a MLM presentation before and watched a pro draw the circles on a white board and then run the famous arithmetic progression....

So if you get 2, and they get 2, and so on.... you magically have 3125 people in your group in just a few months.

That's if your team members actually sponsor other people, and so on.

Yes of course the potential with a multi level comp plan is staggering, which is what draws so many opportunity seekers into the industry every year, but of course in practice things usually don't progress exactly the same as in the example.

This is the same hypnotic power that the Neucopia comp plan has.

So OK Marc......get to the point, is this a thumbs up or thumbs down deal?

Well I have to say there are things I like about it and things I don't.

Let's start with the don't likes.

I don't like the Neucopia introduction video presentation very much. I see many online marketers today that when selling their product, they somehow feel the need to oversell and then take way to long getting to the point, and David Sharpe is very guilty of this.

Sales overkill just annoys me, but of course the Neucopia system is working and they generated over $1,000,000 in sales in just the first 22 days, so probably just ignore that comment.

I also don't like the way they keep referring to the fact that you get Neucopia 100% Commission but then seem to ignore the fact that if you are passing up every 2nd, 4th, 6th etc that is not really 100% it's actually more like 50% on the first 6 and then 80% thereafter.

Now of course you do receive 100% on the commissions you actually are qualified to receive but not on all your traffic or generated sales.

Also on the flip side you do receive the benefit of those pass-ups also and if you get a lot of people going the income effect it generates can be huge.

So now on to the things I like.

Look it's a "Wave Effect" deal and whether you approve or not, lots of money is made in them, so either take a flyer and surf the wave or get your binoculars and watch it recede into the distance while you think about all the money you could have made.

It's an ambitious, aggressive, very creative business model and kudos to you guys for bringing it off.

In the end I can't tell you whether or not this deal has legs or how long it will last, but wave effect deals have a way of becoming viral and I am sure there will be some huge money made with Neucopia even in the short term.

Keep in mind that income potential aside, there is actually a real product here. So if you are having trouble making the "buy" decision just based on "can I make a ton of money if I invest $625 to buy all the levels", then take a look at the Neucopia training and tools and decide if what you are buying actually is worth the money.

In the end I would have to say that it's probably worth more than $625 just to get your hands on 10 hours of David Woods "Costa Rica Intensive" training.

Look I know David personally, and my competitive nature aside, they guy is good.

Now keep in mind that the most successful online business model is to develop multiple streams of income, so even if you are excited about this and join, I would not drop your other business marketing efforts such as your primary MLM to focus all you attention here.

Focus on the Neucopia for what it actually is, a really great affiliate income stream that could make you a lot of money.

Now one final note here, if you have never been successful generating leads online before, Neucopia is not your magic solution. It is simply a product with a lot more sex appeal than most others and that makes it much easier to sell.