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Version vom 17. Juni 2012, 13:09 Uhr von AdoreeLundy31 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Let's move on with two quick definitions. PUA means Pick Up Artist. An opener can be a conversational piece-a question or a statement or something-which utilized …“)
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Let's move on with two quick definitions. PUA means Pick Up Artist. An opener can be a conversational piece-a question or a statement or something-which utilized by a pick up artist to start a conversation with a girl or group containing girls.

Bantering PUA - Obviously, to attract a lady you ought to get speaking with her, which explains why it's very vital that you get your openers right. Should they fail, the complete conversation fails and, therefore, the chances of you attracting the lady are nil.

So...your openers need to be VERY strong and delivered very efficiently.

There are three main kinds of openers. They may be:


They are opening questions or statements that relate towards the situation and environment your girl you might be talking to are both in and experiencing. The advantage of situational openers is that they tie you and the girl plus a unifying subject matter. The disadvantage is that they are frequently a little boring and without emotion. Your job, therefore, is always to make sure your situational openers are emotionally engaging and interesting to the girl.


These are generally questions which involve asking the girl's opinion on the specific matter or topic. They're good because there's plenty of room for intriguing and really engaging conversation off the back-end of the perception opener.


These are opening statements and questions which do not hide behind any real "reason". They're simply direct types of starting a conversation with a girl and often consider the type of a one-sentence 'gambit throw down'. Basically, you say something to the girl that produces her respond, then develop your conversation with her after that.

Listed here are two types of powerful openers. The first one is known as the Bridging Technique. It enables you to start a conversation in a normal (and also somewhat uninteresting way) to get the girl in your corner and also the dialogue alive. Then you definitely use the existing dialogue to bridge in to a much more intriguing and high-energy mode, which is what hooks the girl or group. For example:

Cocky Funny Quotes - Let's say you are in a bar or with a party, you might start the dialogue by saying, "Hi. How are you?" It doesn't matter what she says. She'll probably say something fairly non-committal, like "fine" or "okay, thanks". The minute she answers, say, "What do you think of the crowd? The people here?" While you find out question, shop around on the women and men. She'll do the same. This shared moment helps build the link involving the couple. You're doing something together. She'll probably answer by saying something such as, "Yeah, they seem nice" or "They're okay, yeah". Now you've talked for a couple moments and a dialogue may be established between the couple, you are able to transition into the real meat of the opener. The fundamental rule is, step up the intrigue and interest using what you say next. In this example, you could say, "Yeah, I believe they're all right. Actually... (relocate a little closer to her like you will let her know a secret), there's one guy I don't know about. There he could be! (explain someone who seems like a bit of a character. Maybe he's wearing a weird way something like that.) Will you protect me if he comes up to us and asks us to pull his finger or something like that?"

You can get a little wacky, just keep things fun and unpredictable. She'll join in and you'll have mutually felt sexual chemistry before you know it. Just remember that a bridge opener is a which begins with a regular comment or question that no girl will see difficult to answer, then moves into a more flirty, unusual mode.

This is a good example of a situational opener. Now let's consider an example of an opinion opener. This is very good since it provides the women laughing AND oftentimes DISAGREEING together, which is a perfect approach to inject some real energy in to the group, which now includes you. This distracts the people in the audience from thinking, "How come this person has become talking in our group?" They're having too much fun to believe anything like that. If anything, you're making their group's dynamic BETTER. It's known as the Umbrella Opener plus it goes like this.

Approach the audience and almost walk past them. Prior to you pass them, reverse a little like something recently flashed in your mind-this decreases the sensation you have specifically approached THEM over every other group. Without facing them dead-on (turn your system slightly away), say: "Hey, you think it's okay for any guy to hold an umbrella?" They'll either say:

- YES - NO - I'm not sure - WHY ARE YOU ASKING?

They will not saying other things. Here's what to retort within both cases:

- YES "Really? Even though he is doing this when he carries it?" Now make believe you hold an umbrella above your mind and stick out your pinkie finger, like people do once they drink tea in a goofy way. They'll laugh. Should they still say yes, then ask one of the girls if she'd mind her boyfriend carrying an umbrella like this.

- NO "What if it was raining, wouldn't you need him to safeguard you against the rain?"

- I am not sure "Would you mind if your boyfriend carried one together with his pinkie finger out like this?"

- The reason for ASKING? "Because me and my pals are already discussing masculinity and femininity. One friend says she (social value is added here!) thinks it's cool, my other friend says he thinks it's gay looking.

Bantering PUA - From the of the four positions you can keep the conversation easily, since the group is going to be divided on which believe that. It is possible to work off this by created some controversy. The group will banter amongst themselves. You'll be able to bridge into a new topic. Introduce yourself, ask how they know each other, etc.