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Have you heard someone say "that person has beautiful smile?" A great smile is revered as a symbol of health and vitality. This is a fairly common occurrence because a white, beautiful smile can make a lasting impression on others. Continue to read this article to discover how you can make your teeth whiter so you can flash a dazzling smile.

If you want your teeth to stand out and look whiter, try playing around with different shades of lipstick. Finding the right shade will make your teeth pop. For example, if teeth are stained, bright red lipstick will only make your teeth seem darker. Pink or nude shades work best if teeth are off-white or yellow.

Talk to your dentist if you have questions about whitening products. There are numerous bleaches, whitening products and systems available. Some products are quite expensive, and it is hard to know which ones are the most effective. To avoid most of the hassle just ask your dentist. Your dentist will help you to choose the best treatment.

This method is not as dangerous as most whitening strips which can cause damage to your teeth. Be very careful not to swallow any as you swish the peroxide in your mouth. Do this up to two times every week.

Dark food particles can cause your mouth to stain over time. Sugar free gum is a beneficial way to help eliminate food particles and reduce the stains on your teeth.

You need to understand the process of teeth whitening and what to expect. If you are expecting too much, you may be left disappointed by real, if modest, results. There are many things that come into play when it comes to teeth whitening, like the stains on your teeth and your age. Before whitening, consult your dentist to find out what the probable outcome will be.

In order to achieve long-term success with your teeth whitening plans, you should always be consistent. Choose your foods carefully, use your whitening products faithfully and see your dentist at regular intervals.

Make sure that you are whitening only natural teeth if you desire optimal results from your program. If you have had dental work, like crowns, fillings, implants or veeners, whitening will not work on them and they will stay the color they are. Any work that you have had done on your teeth will be quite prominent after whitening.

Use strawberries as a natural teeth whitener. The chemical composition of strawberries naturally whitens your teeth without the use of chemical whiteners. There are two ways to use strawberries to whiten your teeth: 1. As a paste to be brushed on and left on for 5 minutes. 2. Simply cut the strawberry into halves or quarters and rub the pieces over your teeth while reading or watching TV.

You can make your teeth look whiter by eating an apple. The abrasiveness of apples and other crunchy foods will give your teeth a fast, deep cleaning without causing damage to your enamel.

Before using a whitening product, start by cleaning your teeth thoroughly. Unlike a hair dye that works slightly better on dirty hair, teeth whiteners work more effectively on clean teeth. If you skip this step and whiten your teeth while they are dirty, you can wind up with a couple of different shades, so make sure you brush and floss before you whiten.

No matter what your reason for wanting whiter teeth, the effective advice in the article above will make it easier to have healthy white teeth you can be proud of. Implement this advice to have the whitest teeth possible.

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