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What's Anime According to

Anime is most often based from a manga, which is simply the Japanese word for comics. Usually when individuals call something manga they mean that it was produced in Japan. Some people prefer manga over anime and vice-versa but the two are often quite closely associated with each other, otherwise directly following one another, although the the manga comes first prior to the anime. Unfortunately I am not keen on the genre so I do not have much knowledge of reading it, of course with my fascination with anime I have given manga an opportunity in some places but it should never be just like anime in my experience. Manga is becoming ever more popular in many areas of the world including the Usa. Manga often comes in magazines that will include a few chapters of countless different series, some daily, some weekly, and some much more disseminate as well as produced randomly. While not all anime is dependant on manga, I'd venture to express that a minimum of 90% seem to be. It is not uncommon to have an anime to be produced simultaneously as the manga it is following, however this often leads to the anime making up ground to the manga too quickly which forces the anime creators to either go on a hiatus or create 'filler' episodes which have no real connection to the general storyline. One problem that this creates for fans of anime but not manga would be that the manga is definitely ahead, thus those who see clearly knows what will happen before the anime viewers will, one of the numerous reasons I've almost always avoided anime discussion forums is due to the spoilers that manga readers inadvertently blurt out and could ruin months of anime viewing for me.

It gets better though, anime is also very commonly based on game titles, plus some even have entire franchises of video games in line with the anime. One of the best examples I'm able to think of with this is Star Ocean: EX, the anime almost follows the games storyline and cinematic perfectly, many people may not realize how powerful of storylines some game titles have within them, and also to possess the entire thing presented to you visually can really be rather stunning. Another great current types of games turned anime are Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Valkyria Chronicles, Gungrave, Devil May Cry, Pok?mon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Street Fighter, and many more. It actually was a misconception of mine for the longest time period the Pokemon anime came before the games, it wasn't until about five years later which i realized how wrong I had been. Those are just a select few that were oftentimes beloved video games of my childhood that left me wanting more, having an anime to watch that continues or provides me with more plot and story is always a beautiful thing.

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Obviously, some anime are even original creations, these however require far more work than simply taking math comic strips and animating them together (not a proper explanation from the manga to anime transformation however the gist of it). Original creations require, a minimum of for me, a really visionary person to produce them. OVA's, or original video animations, while sometimes based solely off an anime of the identical name but created by another animation organization, are the most commonly seen forms of original anime content. Most OVA's are short in length which range from one to five episodes each, but then again in some specific cases you will find others that are between 10-100+ episodes long, obviously this is a factor of methods much time and work adopts them. Currently I'm following two anime OVA series that are around ten episodes each in length but instead of weekly episodes they only release about one episode every six months, you heard right I said six months between episodes. Obviously this seems like a pain, but many OVA are thought to be better than their parent story anime with a great deal of the anime viewing public.

Unsurprisingly some anime even evolves one step further into using a live-action movie or series made based on it. Many of the popular anime have spawned off live-action creations for example Gantz, Dragon Ball, Detective Conan, Cowboy Bebop, and Great Teacher Onizuka. While the success of these live-action movies hasn't been spectacular, it is quite another watch and provides a better look into the capabilities that anime has over what special effects can do for a movie. Having seen the live-action Dragon Ball, Detective Conan and Great Teacher Onizuka movies along with other specials, I must say that I was quite disappointed together, but mainly due to bad acting and low budgets. Earlier I mentioned the Cowboy Bebop live-action movie, which is still in development at this time, but looks promising with The Matrix star Keanu Reaves playing the primary character Spike Spiegel, that alone puts it within the seemingly random group of actors I have seen in other live-action things. Hopefully Cowboy Bebop does well in American markets therefore we see more big name actors starring in live-action anime based movies, it's my belief that situations are leaning that way since I've noticed a rise in actors like Tina Fey, Matt Damon, Andy Richter, and can Arnett amongst many others doing the voice-overs for major anime movies (usually the ones made my Studio Ghibli) in an attempt to bring a wider American audience to anime. I actually watched one of Studio Ghibli's movies recently, Ponyo on the cliff through the sea, in English and was overjoyed when I was able to recognize popular television and movie actors voices, however that movie comes complete with stars including Tina Fey, Matt Damon, Liam Neeson, Betty White and many others, which was very unlike the typical one or two actors you may recognize.