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Infinity Downline As Opposed To Empower Network

What is the difference between Infinity Downline and Empower Network? Herein we're going to outline the principle distinctions concerning both of these internet membership packages. While Empower Network was desiged to take after the Infinity Downline business design, some key alterations have been made for numerous reasons. Let's take a peek.

Empower Network has burst onto the scene as the latest and greatest, and certainly among the fastest-rising internet network marketing opportunities on the market.

Many are leaping into this new deal in amazement of the 100% commissions notion, which is being greatly touted by Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe as the "No Wussy Commissions" marketing approach. Actually, if you're part of the internet multi-level marketing world you've been approached by someone with the Empower Network's 100% commissions pitch.

Nevertheless, the 100% commissions of Empower Network is nothing different. Since January of 2009, Infinity Downline, a Peter Wolfing project, has been offering 100% affiliate commissions for it's associates referral sales. And Infinity 100, the sister program of Infinity Downline, also from Peter Wolfing, has been supplying 100% affiliate commissions since January of 2010. With these two companies, Peter Wolfing and Multiplex systems set the veritable standard for 100% net payout online programs. Others had little success when they attempted to copy the Infinity programs. 100% net payouts leave nothing over for the company itself to pay for administrative costs and therefore it takes very specific circumstances on the part of the company in order to make this work, and in order to stay in business.

The Empower Network business appears to be about the first company to actually make a run for offering any real competition in this 100% commissions niche.

The creator, David Wood, notes that he desired to develop a 100% affiliate commissions program to ensure that normal people without expert selling and presentation skills would have a platform with which to appreciate website marketing success.

All administrative costs come directly out of Mr. Wood's pocket because he earns his income with the Empower Network in the same manner as the fellow members.

You be the judge whether very "noble" or very "foolish"

The main difference the Empower Network seems to be bringing, when you compare to the long-established Infinity Downline program, is that of top quality and much more up-to-date website designs, more effective company sales presentations, and more pricing levels for your products, yielding greater income potentials for the online marketers and higher levels of product value for it's customers.

The "Reverse 2-Up" system of Infinity Downline provided for only two affiliate commissions being passed up the line, maximum. However, the Empower Network added a team dynamic to their affiliate comp plan, offering for an affiliate commission "pass-up" on every 5th sale.

In the Empower Network differentiation to Infinity Downline we have seen the newest and "buzzing" meeting the proven and established, with Empower Network taking the best points of Infinity Downline and improving upon them, while at the same time correcting some of the old irritations and problems of the Infinity Downline system.

Empower Network ran into it's share of trouble however, including a massive server crash, that has since been resolved, and continuing issues with looking for a merchant bank ready to accept hundreds and also 1000s of individual merchant accounts daily.