A Rinnai water heater can save you money

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Version vom 4. Mai 2012, 16:32 Uhr von Antmeynrsd (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Most people have probably heard about the (fairly) new Rinnai tankless water heaters by now; they have been around for a few years now, and have recently become p…“)
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Most people have probably heard about the (fairly) new Rinnai tankless water heaters by now; they have been around for a few years now, and have recently become pretty popular. But what makes them so special? And is it really worth replacing your standard water heater system with one of them? Well, here are the most important facts about the Rinnai water heaters:

1. Rinnai tankless water heaters only use about half as much gas as standard water heater systems (the big bulky ones.) This will obviously save you a lot of money on your hot water bill.

2. Due to their highly efficient design, Rinnai tankless water heater systems tend to last about twice as long as most standard water heaters (they have life expectancy of about 15-20 years.) Note: you can find some pretty good deals on Rinnai water heaters at http://www.rinnaiwaterheaters.org (this site doesn’t actually sell them, but they do show you some links to where you can buy them for pretty cheap.)

3. Tankless water heaters heat up the water instantly, which means that they do not have to store the water in a large tank and keep it heated 24/7. Not only does this make them far more efficient, it also means that they will always have an unlimited supply of hot water (no more running out of hot water in the shower etc.)

4. All of the Rinnai water heaters are very small and light weight, which means that you can mount them to the wall. This will save you a ton of space, and this also means that you can mount them just about anywhere that you want. This also makes it very easy to change the location of your hot water heater if needed.

5. You can adjust the temperature of your hot water, and it happens INSTANTLY when using a tankless water heater (no more adjusting your water temperature and having to wait HOURS for it to take effect, which is the case with standard water heater tanks.)