How to Keep your Children Active and Engaged

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Version vom 2. Mai 2012, 14:14 Uhr von TraceyBaileyq (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „What do you do during your free time or during the day? Every family has activities that they engage in and especially young children. It is important to ensure t…“)
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What do you do during your free time or during the day? Every family has activities that they engage in and especially young children. It is important to ensure that a family has wholesome forms of entertainment that foster growth, development and encourage bonding. Nothing is worse than having nothing to do. Usually this leads to mischief.

Children can be very involving and a mother would never get some few moments for herself without using some form of entertainment to keep a child engaged. If you have taken care of children as well as run a home, you know how important that is. There is usually a lot to be done and getting help is a rather expensive affair that you may want to avoid.

Passive or non-involving entertainment requires nothing from your child other than their presence. They may not even be paying too much attention. When you are watching TV, you move from channel to channel, doze off at some point and so on. Children love cartoons such as Dexter, The Simpsons and Ben 10. If not controlled, the can end up slumped in front of the TV for many hours and this is not the best thing for them.

Passive or non-involving entertainment requires nothing from your child other than their presence. They may not even be paying too much attention. When you are watching TV, you move from channel to channel, doze off at some point and so on. Children love cartoons such as Dexter, The Simpsons and Ben 10. If not controlled, the can end up slumped in front of the TV for many hours and this is not the best thing for them.

Active entertainment however, requires the involvement of a child. This is where playing a game outside and taking part is different activities come in. Many children enjoy riding their bikes, creating stuff and even playing home where they get to cook something. The thing with active entertainment is that it requires involvement of both the child and the parent or a supervisor. No wonder it is less common. With busy schedules, deadlines and jobs, parents will find it easier to switch on the TV instead of going to the part to ride bikes with their children.

The two forms of entertainment have pros and cons. The simple remedy for a family is to make time for both kinds of entertainment, taking advantage of the benefits each has to offer and avoiding the negatives. Balance is the name of the game here.

Parents have a lot of responsibilities to deal with but never the less; they must find time for wholesome family entertainment. They must proactively create an ambience that stimulated the minds and the bodies of their children, bringing out their creativity and helping them learn new things. Parents have to learn to make the most of their time and the facilities they have for the good of their family.

Any activity that involves the mind or gets the body moving is amazingly refreshing and beneficial. This ensures proper growth and development and of course bonding and team work also comes into the picture.

The best way to deal with entertainment is to get involved in it right from the start. You can invest in good DVD and videos as well as active games and teach your children to enjoy a wide variety of activities.