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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most challenging aspects of marketing online for newbies. While it may seem like rocket science at first glance, it's really not that big of a deal - but it does take some careful thought and work. Trust me, if I can understand SEO and implement the tactics, you can too.

What is search engine optimization?

Simply put, SEO is how search engines find your website, blog, article, etc. Why does it matter if search engines know what your site is about? Because humans use search engines to search - and you want your website or blog to come up on the first page or two when so that these people who are in need of your product/service find you! Admin Forum How to perform on-page SEO on your website or blog

As you continue to learn about search engine optimization, you will find that there are on-site and off-site factors to consider. This section will explain a little about on-page things you can do to help those little search engine robots that crawl your website find you. How Does SEO Really Work First of all, use your key terms and phrases sparingly. These are the words that people are likely to key in when searching for the information/products they are looking for. For example, if your niche is "flat front khaki pants", you want to use that phrase in your content. Some people will say a keyword density of 3% or even 5% is good, but in my opinion that is way too high. With a 400 word page, 3% density would mean you use your keyword phrase about 12 times, which I think is not only too much, but the content would read a little strange to your visitors. Search engines may also see it as keyword spam, and penalize your site by dropping your rankings. I normally stick to about 1% to 1 1/2% keyword density, which means that the keyword would show up 4 to 6 times within 400 words.

Also, when you're dealing with on-page optimization make use of your page title tags and meta descriptions as search engines pay close attention to these, especially the title of the page. Use your keywords in the page title, as close to the front of the title as possible. Easy SEO Tips Additionally, make sure that any pictures and images you include on your pages have alternate text descriptions, which should also be niche or keyword oriented. The alternate text you choose for images should also let search engines know what your site is about.

Link your pages together using keyword anchor text. If you have 10 or 20 pages on your site, a good internal linking structure is effective for SEO. It's also a good idea to link in your blog posts when you have another post on your blog that is relevant to the current topic you are writing about.

These are just a few tips for on-page SEO. Next time, we'll go in to some of the off-page tactics you can use to help rocket your blog or website to the top. As you can see from what you've learned so far, search engine optimization really isn't that tough - it just sounds intimidating.