Tips On How To Lure People To Return To Your Website

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Author: Russel Major

You have designed and created a site and posted relevant content; now you are enjoying the first rush of visitors to your page. Congratulations, you have completed half of your duties. Once you have attracted visitors to your site, you want to do whatever you can to turn first-time visitors into repeat visitors.

Generally a person searches the web for the latest information on any given topic. Your website must change with the times or it will be worthless. For this reason, it is vital that you provide regular updates on your site. Install a date counter to let your readers know when you last made updates and changes. This will give visitors an idea as to how fresh your site is.

You can update your site in various ways. You can add new content, recycle old pages, or redesign your page layout. Embedding relevant links to similar sites or blogs is another update option. Other methods include adding an active forum, online polls, and other such interactive tools. Enhance text by inserting graphics and videos to keep your readers from getting bored.

Use available tools to make your website more visible to people off site and draw current visitors back, such as sharing tools and subscription features. Some popular recommendation options are Facebook and Twitter plugins. Include a feature that allows them to e-mail your page links to friends who may not be active on social networking sites. Not only are you making it easy to share your pages, but you are marketing your site at the same time. Moreover, create a subscription page and make it accessible to your viewers, encouraging them to subscribe to newsletters or updates to keep them abreast of revisions or additions to your site. Also, provide your visitors an easy RSS feed sign-up link. These features will greatly improve repeat traffic to your site.

If your site is keyword optimized and has relevant titles, first-time visitors will be able to find it easily and will be more likely to come back. Imagine you have visitors who enjoyed your site but forgot to bookmark it or to subscribe to the newsletter and updates. They might want to return and will search for terms that were related to the content they read on the initial visit. If your content and titles are not properly optimized for online searches, your site will be very difficult to find among the millions of sites available.

Respecting your site users is of utmost importance when it comes to earning the trust of your visitors. Don't send subscribers emails that hey did not ask for. Spamming your subscribers' inbox is a fatal mistake that should be avoided at all costs. The subscription forms should be used wisely and not for repetitive advertisement. Instead make your email alerts and newsletters catchy enough to lure them to your site where you can put up advertisements. Don't make your e-mails too complicated; rather, make them easy to read and appropriate. You will have a good subscriber list if your users like your newsletters.

Consider what your visitors want from their point of view. What do you think they want from a website? What keeps you coming back to your favorite pages? Add incentives that you feel visitors will enjoy. Perhaps you could provide them with interesting articles or special sales that would spark their interest. Sometimes, the perfectly timed contest or promotion will make visitors come back to your site to see what is new, at the same time generating generate new interest in your site. Good offers are everyone's friend. By giving your visitors intriguing incentives, you are almost guaranteeing they will come back.

It can be all too easy to allow your website to become irrelevant by not updating it regularly. Make sure that you keep your site up to date and interesting if you want visitors to keep returning. When your website is dynamic and interesting, your visitors will return just to see what's new since the last time they came by.