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Version vom 21. März 2012, 02:08 Uhr von VuCaldwell914 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Buying your first [ medieval swords] is one of those moments in life you will always look upon and remember. The truth of the …“)
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Buying your first medieval swords is one of those moments in life you will always look upon and remember. The truth of the matter is that not many people own a medieval sword. You will therefore be joining a select group of people who are passionate about medieval times and have a something real to prove their passion. Still, there might be a number of questions going through your mind at the moment like: - What type of sword should I get? - Where can I get it from? - How much should I pay? These are all good questions and definitely worth answering before you make a purchase. I would like to draw your attention to 3 important things you should consider before making your purchase 3 things to consider when buying swords for sale 1. What types of Swords do You Want? There are so many types to choose from if you're looking to build your sword collection. Some collectors specialize in collecting only one type of sword while others are happy to have a wide variety in their collection. The main types of swords include: - Fantasy swords - Samurai swords - Movie replica swords and - Original swords which are replicas of authentic swords 2. Why do you want a Sword It's been said that where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Decide if you want it for display purposes; as part of your gear towards live action role play (LARP) or for reenactment purposes. Deciding this from the beginning, will help you educate others towards respecting your collection and will ensure you have a sword that will serve its purpose without damage for many years. 3. Do your research This might include going to an actual shop to see and feel the sword you want. You also want to be familiar with the weight and features of your sword. If you're conducting your research purely online, then you will want to hold in your hands something equal in weight to the sword you want. As you begin to build your collection, you will realize that there is a big difference between a 3 pound sword and a 5 pound sword. Also do your research on price as sword collecting can be quite expensive and you don't want this hobby to become an unnecessary drain on your finances. Your first sword will fill you with pride and you want to ensure it's the right one for you. Ensure the retailer you buy it from can answer all your questions and have a large selection. Congratulations on your first medieval sword and I would like to share more about sword collecting with you.