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Version vom 29. Februar 2012, 02:46 Uhr von HallPalumbo13 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Sovereign Silver Can Benefit the Body in lots of ways As the number one selling colloidal silver product on the market, [ Sovereign Si…“)
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Sovereign Silver Can Benefit the Body in lots of ways

As the number one selling colloidal silver product on the market, Sovereign Silver uses is building on centuries of tradition. Silver is certainly known for its antiseptic properties and possesses been regularly found in alternative healthcare for a long time. The manufacture of colloidal silver involves suspending tiny particles of silver in the liquid. A long time ago, colloidal silver was used internally to kill harmful bacteria and treat various diseases.

Today, colloidal silver is prescribed by alternative practitioners to provide relief and treat many conditions. It may function as a mineral supplement and it is also recognized for its germ killing, healing, and immune system boosting abilities. Silver has even been prescribed to treat serious health conditions such as tuberculosis, cancer, diabetes, and AIDs.

Over the past few decades, low quality colloidal silver products have shed a bad light on this natural preventative. The products contain contaminants, like salts and proteins, which may actually cause the colloidal silver to be harmful to those taking it. However, Sovereign Silver is known as the finest, refined Sovereign Silver review on the market. The product is meticulously produced and in many cases its glass packaging meets the highest standards of quality.

In the past, some silver may be known to turn the skin a bluish color, an ailment called Argyria. However, Sovereign Silver benefits is guaranteed not to do so and also this promise is backed with a representative from the US Food and Drug Administration. The product is the only silver hydrosol on the market that is backed up by this statement.

This colloidal silver product includes 96 percent actively charged particles and the smallest average particle sizes available. The only ingredients in the product are silver and water. The silver is 99 percent pure and is also seen in an incredibly small quantity. The water is high quality medical grade and the mixture of the two ingredients generates a clear and almost tasteless liquid.

There are numerous uses just for this silver hydrosol and claim to yield success. Take the liquid once daily to be able to maintain the bodys systems or up the dosage to 3 times daily so as to build immunity. Those desiring immunity support over the long term can take five servings per day. The dosage is a teaspoon of liquid held under the tongue for A few seconds then swallowed.

Furthermore to the liquid, the manufacturer has generated a homeopathic first aid gel made out of silver. The gel functions as a skin infection fighter and it calms minor inflammations of the skin. In addition, it could reduce topical pain and help the skin to heal. The silver first aid gel functions as a replacement for antiseptics, burn treatments, and rash fighters.