Hay Fever Not In fact A Fever

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Hay fever has been given several diverse names such as allergic rhinitis, pollinosis or nasal allergies. You can contract hay fever due to particular air borne dust particles exposed in the atmosphere. These dust particles can be pollen, dander which can result in allergic reaction. Hay fever issue primarily begins from surroundings by which anybody can be affected. Staying away, from any of the allergy triggering aspects is the best resolution. Even though in this condition you do not have any fever it is nevertheless referred to as hay fever.

The common stimulants which lead to this issue are from outdoors as well as indoors. Being surrounded by pollen or animal dander can lead to these allergies. It can also be due to the substances discovered in your residence like dust mites, cockroaches, fleas, presence of a pet and numerous more. Without correct care or treatment it can hinder your day to day life.

The symptoms for hay fever rank from mild to severe. If you are suffering from a mild condition you will face troubles like runny and itchy nose, watery eyes, itching, and sneezing. Severe symptoms can final for a lot more than a week. A sense of taste and smell is changed, congestion - causing pain, swelling of eyes which severe hemorrhoids may turn blue due to allergic reaction. This sort of a condition generally develops in an early age and with the passage of time it might worsen.

This condition causes sleeplessness and fatigue which can badly have an effect on you. The chronic condition can cause severe problems like asthma and sinusitis. You may begin building other issues like breathlessness, wheezing and coughing. It might also lead to ear infection due to the fever and pain.


There are no certain remedies which would help. You can follow some precautionary measures to remove the possibility of hay fever.

- Clean your surroundings

- Do not permit symptoms for mononucleosis pets inside your bedroom

- Be away from dust

- Clean the AC

- Have a ventilated room

- Do not be in a humid atmosphere


Essentials oils are excellent source to get rid of Hay fever. Oils like basil, eucalyptus blue gum, lavender or peppermint can be utilised. Two or 3 drops from any 1 of these oils on a handkerchief can get you relief.

Warning: The reader of this post ought to physical exercise all precautions while following instructions on the home remedies from this write-up. Steer clear of mononucleosis contagious using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the website or the writer.