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cancer prevention los angeles - See a Gastroenterologist for Cancer Prevention

cancer prevention los angeles - See a Gastroenterologist for Cancer Prevention

For cancer prevention Los Angeles doctors recommend getting regular check-ups and screenings, as early detection is the best chance to successfully treat diseases. Cancer of the colon or rectum, also called colorectal cancer, is on the rise in the U.S. and is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths. Causes of colon cancer include age – people over 50 are more likely to develop this cancer, diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, diets high in fat, obesity, and smoking. Luckily, this cancer is treatable with great success when it is caught in the early stages. Colorectal cancer is usually caused by polyps in the colon or rectum. Polyps are growths in the tissue lining, and can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant, meaning the abnormal cells can spread to other areas of the body. Removing the polyps is generally a very effective at eliminating cancer risks.

In order to determine if you have any of the preconditions of colorectal cancer, Los Angeles gastroentorologists recommend getting a colonoscopy, which is a simple 20 minute procedure. Patients who experience rectal bleeding, chronic rectal pain, or who have a family history of colon cancer are good candidates for a colonoscopy. Before receiving a colonoscopy the patient must refrain from eating for a full day and take a strong laxative the night before. The gastroentorologist will insert a colonoscope to pump air into the colon. The air inflates the colon, allowing the doctor to see the entire lining of the colon. If the doctor finds polyps during the procedure he will most likely remove them then and there, or he may cut a sample of the lining to do further tests on.

People who suffer from heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion are at risk for cancer of the esophagus. A simple 5 minute procedure called an upper GI endoscopy can help determine if there are cancerous cells in the esophagus. The procedure uses a lighted, flexible endoscope to see the inside of the esophagus, stomach, and upper small intestine. In Los Angeles endoscopy patients are expected to fast and refrain from chewing gum or smoking for up to 8 hours before the procedure. An endoscopy can detect ulcers, cancerous growths, bowel obstructions, inflamation, and hernias. People suffering from abdominal pain, vomiting, anemia, unexplained weightloss, or acid reflux should speak to a Beverly Hills gastroentorologist about an endoscopy.

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