Street Team Marketing Taken To a New Level6595657: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Aktuelle Version vom 27. Juni 2012, 16:59 Uhr

Welcome to the year 2012 and all kinds of new ways of marketing, either online or otherwise. Over the last decade, marketers have had to adapt to the latest and greatest techonogly or get left at the dock by younger, more aggressive internet marketing gurus. Out with the old and with the new, and if you are the type who still thinks they can shun computers and the interenet and hope to surivive, you are living in a fantasy land and probabably in the unemployment line.

A great example of how technology has changed an old style marketing job is a new business based in Hollywood, California aptly named, "Hollywood Street Teams." Hollywood Street Teams has taken the notion of a street team and completely revolutionized what the client recieves when ordering up a street team campaign.

To start, the whole team is uniformed. When you think of a team, any team, they are most rapidly identifiable by the uniforms they sport in order to know who and who not to pass the ball to. This is no different with Hollywood Street Teams . Sporting the word, "Promoter" on the front of every royal blue baseball tee, they can immediately diffuse a marketing prospects trepidation by letting people know exactly what there purpose is when approaching you on the streets of Hollywood, and that is to promote. They are not asking you to believe in Scientology, they are not asking you to vote Republican or Democrat, they are letting you know that the purpose of them approaching you is because they are promoting, and thus the reason the uniforms make so much sense. The old way of street team marketing didn't call for uniforms, or if it did typically the uniform was the tshirt of some yet-to-be-recognized.

Secondly, and the best part about their new method of street team marketing , is HWST's reporting. Using a confidential, custom-coded program they had made in some lab full of geniuses, HWST will provide their customers with a report of their campaign that is date stamped, time stamped, full with pictures and GPS cooridinates. Want to know exactly when they were working and where they were working? Now you will. In the past, you can hand a street team marketer a package of your newly printed, fairly expensive flyers and as soon as they drove down the street and turned the corner, there was a chance the entire box would be thrown in the dumpster. Hollywood Street Teams solves his issue through answerability and smart phones. Now you can trust you are promoting the right way because you can see that you are promoting the right way.

Somebody has their thinking cap on at this company and record companies and anyone else who wishes to grace the streets of Hollywood should appreciate a new spin on an old job.

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