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Version vom 1. August 2012, 19:06 Uhr von NevilleyyicneufjuScallon (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Are you frustrated that the search engines don�t seem to be finding all the pages on your new website? Or perhaps you�ve been adding some great new content ev…“)
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Are you frustrated that the search engines don�t seem to be finding all the pages on your new website? Or perhaps you�ve been adding some great new content every week, but every time you do, it seems to take FOREVER to get indexed?

As an affiliate marketer, there are lots of times when you feel like giving the search engines a damn good hustle along. Luckily, there is a more effective way to do it than glaring at your computer screen and emitting a few choice words!

Although ping tools were originally designed for bloggers publishing daily, they can be used successfully on any website with fresh content, including your Squidoo lenses. To make pinging easier, try a ping your website or ping website to make search engines visit your website.

Pinging your website is the online equivalent of waving a flag and yelling, �Hey! Over here � check this out!� to search engines and directories whenever you add or make major updates to the content on your site. Using a Ping tool can speed up indexing because it essentially sends search portals and other services a message from your website telling them that there is new content and to come crawl it.