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Version vom 4. Juli 2012, 23:22 Uhr von SalinasDame927 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Best Wedding Cake Ever Made But A Day Late Keeps It a Secret and The Baker Remains Pocket Poor One of my clients made the next statement: "You can have the very …“)
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Best Wedding Cake Ever Made But A Day Late Keeps It a Secret and The Baker Remains Pocket Poor

One of my clients made the next statement: "You can have the very best wedding cake ever baked and decorated, but delivering the day after the wedding could keep your company a secret" and that i added "not to say keeping you pocket poor."

From my observations, you may still find lots of pocket poor bakers be they small business owners to individual employees. Missed delivery dates still haunt many small businesses to even large corporation.

How often within the quest to increase sales the solution comes each day late and a dollar short? Crazy busy sales agents are continually looking for this new sales lead or new customer. They create promises and contracts are signed. When the answer is due the delivery date isn't made. People scramble here and there, casting blame on everyone including the client. The salesperson is left holding the bag and possibly a debit to their commission check.

In today's workforce, there appears to be a ":que sera sera" what's going to may be be attitude by some employees not to mention small businesses. The attitude or belief the solution ought to be delivered on time and on budget appears to have been lost during the Twentieth century. Now, people expect payment for excuses rather than results.


Using the trend to employ independent contractors especially when it comes to technology services, this can be a rampant almost epidemic problem. One of my colleagues in attempting to work with some programmers during the period of several months had to literally cancel anything three separate times until he found a team prepared to perform the work. What's so sad he'd the entire project laid out and was very specific with what he wanted from the IT programmers. What he received was excuse after excuse despite promises were made to honor the delivery date.

Another client is facing this productivity challenge both from his full time employees in addition to independent contractors. He sets the parameters, clearly communicates the expectations and still projects are delivered late. Now he or she must make amends using the customers.

Using the economy still very shaky, one would think people would do the things they required to do as soon as possible to allow them to either keep their jobs or earn money from their efforts and onto the next project. However this is not the case. Again, lots of pocket poor bakers appear to be within the workforce.

The only suggestion would be to invest more time to find the best people. This means the use of performance appraisal tools and a tight interviewing and candidate selection process to guarantee the right people with the best talents making the best decisions for the best leads to the right time period enter your workforce (the right environment). By investing additional time around the front-end of the hiring process can lead to spending far less on the back end.