Februar 2010
Aus DCPedia
- Action Comics 886
- Adventure Comics Starring Black Lantern Superboy 7
- All Star Superman Vol. 2 - SC
- Azrael 5
- Batgirl 7
- Batman 696
- Batman and Robin 8
- Batman Confidential 41
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Special
- Batman: Streets of Gotham 9
- Batman: The Brave and the Bold 14
- Blackest Night: The Flash 3
- Blackest Night: Wonder Woman 3 (of 3)
- Booster Gold 29
- The Brave and the Bold Vol. 5: Milestone
- DC Universe: Origins
- Doom Patrol 7
- Final Crisis: Aftermath: Dance - Paperback
- The Great Ten 4
- Green Arrow / Black Canary 29
- Green Lantern 51
- Green Lantern Corps 45
- Green Lantern: Secret Origin
- Human Target 1
- Jonah Hex 52
- JSA: All Stars 3
- Justice League of America 42
- Justice Society of America Annual 2
- Kobra: Resurrection
- Magog 6
- Milestone Forever 1
- Outsiders 27
- Power Girl 9
- R.E.B.E.L.S. 13
- Red Robin 9
- Red Tornado 6
- Secret Six 18
- The Shield 6
- Showcase presents: Secrets of Sinister House 1
- The Starman Omnibus 4
- Super Friends 24
- Supergirl 50
- Superman / Batman 69
- Superman: Mon-El Vol. 1
- Superman: World of New Krypton 12
- Tiny Titans 25
- Tiny Titans Vol. 3: Sidekickin' it
- Titans 22
- Warlord 11
DC Kids
- A Tale of an unknown Country Vol. 2
- Ballad of a Shinigami Vol. 3
- Rampage Vol. 1
- Venus in Love Vol. 8
- Air 18
- Cinderella: From Fabletown with Love 4
- Demo 1
- Daytripper 3
- DMZ 50
- Fables Vol. 13: The Great Fables Crossover
- Greek Street 8
- Hellblazer 264
- Hellblazer: Pandemonium
- House of Mystery 22
- Joe the Barbarian 2
- Madame Xanadu Vol. 2: Exodus Noir
- Preacher Book 2
- Scalped 34
- Scooby-Doo 153
- Sweet Tooth 6
- The Unwritten 10
- Authority 19
- The Authority: The lost Year 6
- Dante's Inferno 3
- Free Realms 6
- Gen 13 34
- Modern Warfare 2 3
- Mysterius the Unfathomable - Paperback
- Resistance - Paperback
- Supernatural: Beginning's End 2
- 19. Februar - Jerry Grandenetti, Zeichner (* 1926)