18. Januar
Aus DCPedia
ab dem 18. Januar 2017 im Handel: >> Nächster Erscheinungs-Termin: 24. Januar 2017 - Erscheinungs-Kalender
= Serienstart
= Serienabschluß
= Paperback zu einer Serie
- Batgirl Vol. 3: Point Blank
- Batman 15
- Batman '66 meets Wonder Woman '77 1
- Cave Carson has a Cybernetic Eye 4
- Green Arrow 15
- Green Lantern: Hal Jordan Vol. 1
- Green Lanterns 15
- Harley Quinn 12
- Harley Quinn Vol. 5: The Jokers last Laugh
- Harley Quinn Vol. 6: Black, White and Red all over
- He-Man / Thundercats 4
- Injustice: Gods among us - Ground Zero 4
- Justice League 13
- Justice League Vol. 1: The Extinction Machine
- Justice League of America: Ray Rebirth 1
- Justice League vs. Suicide Squad 5
- Nightwing 13
- Raven 5
- Suicide Squad most wanted: El Diablo & Amanda Waller 6
- Super Powers 2
- Superman 15
- Teen Titans Go! Vol. 3: Mumbo Jumble
- The Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice
- The Kamandi Challenge Special 1
- Trinity 5
- Batman 5
- Batman: Odyssey 4 (of 7)
- Birds of Prey 5
- Blue Beetle 5
- Captain Atom 5
- Catwoman 5
- DC Universe presents 5
- Diablo 2 (of 5)
- End of Nations 3 (of 4)
- Green Lantern Corps 5
- Legion of Super-Heroes 5
- Nightwing 5
- Red Hood and the Outlaws 5
- Secret Six: The Darkest House
- Supergirl 5
- Superman: War of the Supermen - Paperback
- T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents 3 (of 6)
- Tiny Titans 48
- War of the Green Lanterns Aftermath - Paperback
- Wonder Woman 5
- Young Justice 12