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Siehe auch die vollständige Dokumentation der API oder die API-Hilfe für weitere Informationen.

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                "revisions": [
                        "user": "OrahMcCarthy18694",
                        "timestamp": "2012-09-30T15:24:54Z",
                        "comment": "",
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
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                        "*": "[ magic mesh]\nWelcome to my Personal Magic Mesh review site I'm Alice.\n\nI'm your looking for the Official Magic Mesh website you can get to it here  Official Magic Mesh WebSite\n[ magic mesh]\nIf you're like me and have kids or pets that constantly run in and out of the backdoor then pay close attention!\n\nFor as long as I know, I've been looking for a practical solution to close my backdoor instantly the moment someone goes in or out without having to invest big money in a renovation job. When I saw the Magic Mesh commercial one night I thought to myself Wow, this is exactly what I have been looking for! \n\nDisclaimer Normally I'm very paranoid about buying products promoted on late night commercials but since it was only $20 and came with a 30 day money back guarantee I bought one. After being pleased with how well this screen door works I decided to put this small website together to let others know what to expect before purchasing one.\n[ magic mesh]"